Tuesday 30 September 2014


I had a special connection with the Koreans when I was on board the Logos Hope and ever since then, there has been a special place for Korea in my heart. I wished to visit Korea to know more about this amazing amazing country and culture.

My family and I spent all of last week in Seoul and there was no better way to spend the week. It was really nice to be released from the routine of work and go out on an adventure! I was craving some thing completely foreign and fresh,  super ready to immerse myself completely in a brand new culture, ready to dig deep and discover and unfold the beauty and surprises in this world, in this life.

Seoul is wonderful. It is a city unique and rich in every way, from nature to the buildings, people, culture, lifestyle, food, art and more with so much character, soul, and style that inspires you. Big, dense and busy as it is, it has its way of reaching out to you and engaging with you on a personal level. Every single corner covets your attention, having its own story to tell. The beautiful and kind people, modern with a rich touch of culture, they are so interesting to watch. The food was the biggest surprise for me! I enjoyed the Korean BBQ so much! Tastebuds partying with all that samjangs and the tender tender meat!! Then of course, the city's hustles and the bustles, even that has its way of serenading you. The city lights, they remind you that there are endless possibilities in this world. This city never sleeps. It catches you in like a tornado, makes you so alive. Its amazing how a city can be so fast paced, but it has the time to stop for you, to lend you some help, or share a warm smile. And how can I forget the shopping? Here in this city its a sin to not shop! Best vibes all the way. Whats not to love?

I wish I had more time to soak it all in.

I will write more with some pictures!


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