Monday, 21 September 2015


Hello hello hello! It's yet another Monday. This time, I'm feeling fresh and exuberant. I'm positive it is because I had such a lovely weekend. Work was strictly off-limits. All I did was unwind and did a bunch of non-work related things. I realised that as much as planning well for the week is necessary and getting work done is important, rest is equally necessary and important. Starting the week well rested makes it easier to have a positive and clear perspective of things. Here are some of the things I did and maybe, some ideas for you to have a well rested weekend, so you can start your week well!

Watch a good movie
There's nothing like watching a good movie in the comfort of your own bed. It only gets better when the movie is so good you get so caught up in it and you forget the world. Last weekend, I watched not one, but two good movies. Inside out by Pixar and Saving Sarah Cain by Fox Faith. If you're like me and you enjoy movies that make you emotional and think a lot, these two are for you.

Keeping up with fitness
The past two weeks were so hazy here where I live and I have been travelling so my workout routine was back-burnered. It was nice to finally get back to lifting weights and the haze cleared enough to go outdoors for a run. I always feel so energised and alert after some good sweaty exercise. Not forgetting how well it makes me sleep at night.

I found rest in a few naps and some quality me-time. Quiet times with nothing on my mind, and quiet times paying attention and analysing my every thought and writing them down. Accompanied by my amazing new candle from bath and body works. I needed that so much.

Organise Stuff
Weekends are perfect for tidying up and putting things back in order. Putting things back in their own respective homes, doing the laundry, changing my beddings, and organising my warzone aka my bedroom, wardrobe and floordrobe.

Spending time with friends and family
I love being around my family and friends. Time spent with them are always the most comforting, encouraging and inspiring. As I get older and commitments start to flood my schedules, I realise how little time I have left to spend with people I treasure dearly. Making time for them must be done intentionally.

I hope this post has inspired you to start your week well! Have a beautiful week! x


  1. These are such good tips! Organizing myself for the rest of the week - cleaning, going grocery shopping, doing laundry - always sets me up for a much better week!


  2. Great list! There's seriously no better way to start a week than with a good movie! :)
    Urban Obsessions // Vegan Food, Beauty & Lifestyle

  3. Nothing feels as good as keeping up with your fitness :D I always make sure to get my workouts in on Mondays, because if I skip it on Monday, then I'm more likely to skip it the following day as well. Even when I don't feel like it, I just get my workouts in because I know how great I'll feel afterwards :)

    Thirteen Thoughts

  4. Rest is so important and it can be so easy to forget to make proper time for it

  5. I really like you <3

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  6. This post is so nice. I agree that you have to start your week with excitement and then carry on untill the weekend. Great post.

