December is here! The most wonderful time of the year. Though Christmas isn't a big thing in Kuching, it has always been my favourite season ever since I was a child. Its a time my mind sets off to believe anything I want, let my imagination run free and expect unbelievable things. Christmas makes me feel and experience magic. Christmas decorations invading homes, shopping malls and streets. Big tall Christmas trees filled with favourite things, giant fluffy teddy bears sitting next to a mountain of presents, and fairy lights sparkling every where, infusing dreaminess into the atmosphere. Christmas cookies, food and laughter in a room of filled with family and friends. Christmas carols and Jazz music skipping in the air. More giving than taking. Goodwill, gratitude and love all around. Fine surprises floating everywhere. Tis' the season to be jolly!
the happy bits | thoughts, lifestyle & travel diaries
Monday, 7 December 2015
Thursday, 26 November 2015
"The little things in life really are spectacular enough that they deserve to be blown up to magnificent proportions even on the most simple of days."
Dylana Suarez
These words resonated with me ever since I read it and have spurred me to pay more attention to the little things around me. The more I inspect life in its most stripped down state, I begin to see that the tiny things and moments are just as beautiful and captivating as the grand ones. Every moment - big or small deserves to be given thanks for. and that, is such a magical thing to do. Because for that one fleeting moment you're completely focused and immersed in good and beautiful things, life is enough. If only we take the time to, we wouldn't need anything else to help us see that life is so freaking awesome.
As I think of all the things I have in my life in the spirit of thanksgiving, I am blessed to be able to say with my whole heart that I am thankful for my lot. I have a family that I can share everything with. My dad, who believed in me and loved me from day one. My sister who has inspired and stretched me in so many ways and being the best business partner I can and will ever have. My brother, who sheds life and joy into our family with his mischief like no one else can. And my mum who still lives in so many ways. The way she loved will always be the purest I've ever seen and known. Her boldness to dream big and crazy. The bigger the better. The way she fights for her life all the way to the end with gentleness and strength. Not a single day has went by without the memory of her spurring me forward and making me a better person. and what can I say about my friends? I seriously believe I have the best friends. Friends I can laugh and cry with, and feel the most confident with, even when I pull the ugliest face in a selfie. Friends who inspire me and challenge me to pursue my dreams.
Last but not least, I am thankful for my faith in a God of love. His love has given me more than I deserve - Immeasurable joy in my life, and never ending hope and strength when things are painful and hard. Life is enough. Life is good. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
As I think of all the things I have in my life in the spirit of thanksgiving, I am blessed to be able to say with my whole heart that I am thankful for my lot. I have a family that I can share everything with. My dad, who believed in me and loved me from day one. My sister who has inspired and stretched me in so many ways and being the best business partner I can and will ever have. My brother, who sheds life and joy into our family with his mischief like no one else can. And my mum who still lives in so many ways. The way she loved will always be the purest I've ever seen and known. Her boldness to dream big and crazy. The bigger the better. The way she fights for her life all the way to the end with gentleness and strength. Not a single day has went by without the memory of her spurring me forward and making me a better person. and what can I say about my friends? I seriously believe I have the best friends. Friends I can laugh and cry with, and feel the most confident with, even when I pull the ugliest face in a selfie. Friends who inspire me and challenge me to pursue my dreams.
Last but not least, I am thankful for my faith in a God of love. His love has given me more than I deserve - Immeasurable joy in my life, and never ending hope and strength when things are painful and hard. Life is enough. Life is good. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Sunday, 8 November 2015

As I get older, I learnt to appreciate and intentionally create beautiful moments to keep myself positive and enthusiastic as these are crucial to be effective and productive in life. I spent the last few moments of my weekend at home doing only lovely and cushy things. Got to make it extra special to fine-tune my mind and get my life in order for a fresh start to yet another action-packed week. Here's some of the things I did:
1. Stay in pajamas all day
2. Read a book
3. Update Journal
4. Clean and organise space
5. Watch Youtube videos
6. Exercise
7. Paint nails
8. Photograph things
9. Catch up with friends
10. Fill in my weekly planner
What was your weekend like?
Have a beautiful week ahead! x
10. Fill in my weekly planner
What was your weekend like?
Have a beautiful week ahead! x
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Hello everybody! Yet another week has buzzed off in a blink of an eye. And how is it that it's November already? How was the week for you? My week was for the most part, good. But there were days when I felt a little flat. This is the one rare time my annoying headstrong character comes to good use. Choosing to live every single moment with zest no matter how rubbish I'm feeling. Foster the positive emotions I want to feel. Sometimes, that is as simple as doing the little things just a tiny bit differently. Here are 10 instant pick-me-ups that pepped me up throughout the week.
I had the chance to savour a few moments of solitude this week. Slowing down and reflecting on my current state of mind was so refreshing as I took the time to clear my mind through writing, singing and talking to loved ones.
"Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude". - Joseph Wood Krutch
Think about how rich and full life can be if we are able to see the beauty in the little things and moments in life and celebrate them just the same way we celebrate the big spectacular ones. I made a list of all the things or people I have in my life and instantly felt so good. To be happy is really as simple as being fully aware of all that we have.
Go against your feelings and flash your pearly whites. Fake it till you make it. It is proven that the slightest change in your facial muscles can elevate positive hormones and spike happiness. Try it and let the smallest decision to smile trigger a positive chain reaction that will change your reality.
Let Light In
Pull back the curtains and let Mr. Sunshine spill in. This is the first thing I do every morning. Love the warmth and loveliness that streams in with the sun. Makes the day a hundred times brighter and merrier.
Step Outside
Cut the technology cord and step outside. Soak up the sun. Breathe in the clean fresh air. Stop for the flowers. Pluck some freshly bloomed Jasmines and display them on your bedside table. Catch a whiff of the freshly cut grass. There's nothing more serene and uplifting than that.
Love Yourself
Forget the stress. Take some time to wallow in some self-indulgent goodness. Put some make up on. Conceal the eye bags, add an extra flick of the eyeliner, more blush on the cheeks and some color on the lips. Feel beautiful. Feel special. Make yourself a healthy drink. Paint your nails. Take a long shower. Put on a face mask. Light a scented candle, turn on the fairy lights and some good music. The 3 hours long Disney Instrumental is my favourite. Click here.
Reconnect with Old Friends
This week, I wrote to 3 old friends. I'm telling you, if you are feeling lethargic or lonely, reconnect with an old friend for an instant spirit boost! It's almost like turning a switch on to a bunch of positive feelings such as excitement, nostalgia, forgiveness and love!
Flip through Old Photos
This is so true and could possibly be my favourite thing to do. Flipping through pictures of my childhood, teenage years and photos from my favourite holiday never fail to remind me of the most magical times in my life and churns out the best feelings. My childhood pictures bring back the crazy times I spent at my grandmothers house with my 9 other cousins chasing geese and making campfires out of old newspapers. The games my mum and dad will play with us before bed. My teenage photos remind me of the girl friends I had back then. The sleepovers we had. Dancing the night away. Talking and giggling under the duvets. The concerts we went to. The boys we fancied. Those were good times.
Exercising is one of the most effective mood-boosters. This is so true for me. I always feel better after lifting some weights and blasting out my core muscles.
Who remembers the old hit 'Let the music heal your soul'? I used to be OBSESSED with it when I was about 14/15 years old. I had it on my iPod all the time. Well that song is probably right. It amazes me how a song is able to reach into your deepest feelings and translates them into words. It never fails to make you feel the way it is written to. I've been listening to 'Better when I'm dancing' by Meghan Trainor and 'Shut up and Dance' by Walk the Moon all week. They make me so happy.
What a lovely post to write! I hope you enjoyed it and hope it helps. x
Saturday, 24 October 2015

Hello beautifuls! How did your week go? My week was filled with all things good. Perfect balance of work and my much needed rest. My eyebags are gone and I'm over the moon about that!
The other things that made me happy this week:
Flint and Steel Borneo
Flint and Steel Borneo
First on the list - my job. It still feels so surreal and weird to say that Flint and Steel Borneo is my job. I am enjoying it so much that its hard to believe it's actually a job. Forever creating, meeting and being inspired by people who are nothing short of amazing, collaborating with other labels... all the things I love passionately. I'm forever thankful.
This week, we launched 3 new mugs and the response we got was overwhelming. I am very encouraged and motivated! Also, we received sweet and positive feedbacks from our buyers, telling us that they love our products and can't wait to use them! It's the simple things that put a smile on my face.
Clear Blue Sky
Clear Blue Sky
Just so you know, it's been hazy where I live for what feels like eternity. All we've been getting are grey skies and a horrible smokey stench to make things worst. So this week, we had a clear blue sky for just one day. Just one day but I won't complain. Didn't realize how much I missed it!
& My Favourite One...
& My Favourite One...
Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body Works have finally arrived in Kuching! Not one, but two of my favourite brands! I've been waiting too long for this!
So, the weekend has been as good as the week was. so far. Wishing the same for you. I am currently enjoying my Saturday night swaddled and snugged in a duvet, with the perfect playlist running to make things ten times more ethereal. Can't ask for a better way to wrap up such an amazing week!
Hula Hoop by OMI
Eyes Shut by Years & Years
Fools by Troye Sivan
Locked Away by R. City ft Adam Levine
Fight Song by Rachel Platten
Jealous by Labrinth
Overjoyed by Stevie Wonder
6, 8, 12 by Brian McKnight
Little Dancer by Leroy Sanchez
Through All of it by Colton Dixon
How Can I Keep From Singing by Chris Tomlin
Sunday, 18 October 2015

Hello everyone! I am a little late this week. I have been meaning to write but have been putting it off because to be honest, I haven't been feeling like it. It's easy to open up and talk about things I like or happy things but when it comes to the dark, low and sad things, it can be really difficult. Not that anything terrible happened this week, it's just grief playing up on me and sometimes it's easier to just sit in bed and be sad. Have you ever felt like that?
So as I was trying (hard) to find something more 'positive' to talk about on the blog this week, I am reminded of why I started this blog. It was never meant to be a mask to hide anything. It was never meant for me to paint a false picture of my life. It was never meant to be a place where I need to feel that I need to have my life all together. It's meant to be place where I can be honest with myself and with the world and to learn to embrace every piece of life, just as it is - beautiful or ugly.
It is extremely petrifying to think about sadness, grief, anger and disappointments, let alone to talk about them because it is so easy to be engulfed into the tornado of feeling sorry for our lives. But here's the truth. Sadness is real. as real as joy can get. It is part of life. Imagine life without sadness, happiness will have no meaning. Life will be incomplete. Experiencing sadness does not change or take away the happy and great moments. If you think about it, maybe unwrapping sadness and fully experiencing it is a way to let light in.
It is extremely petrifying to think about sadness, grief, anger and disappointments, let alone to talk about them because it is so easy to be engulfed into the tornado of feeling sorry for our lives. But here's the truth. Sadness is real. as real as joy can get. It is part of life. Imagine life without sadness, happiness will have no meaning. Life will be incomplete. Experiencing sadness does not change or take away the happy and great moments. If you think about it, maybe unwrapping sadness and fully experiencing it is a way to let light in.
I feel liberated writing this post. For the longest time, I have been grieving alone. I refrain from talking about my grief because I fear to come off as 'negative'. But I can only be so strong. Come on, my mum is never coming back again. How can I not be sad?
Let's keep it real. Let's not make life more complicated than it already is by trying to live unrealistic perfect lives. There will only be lonely sad people every where. To those who are struggling with emotions that fall into the 'negative' category, I hope this post has inspired you to have courage to open up, speak for your heart and be free. Take heart, you are not alone.
Let's keep it real. Let's not make life more complicated than it already is by trying to live unrealistic perfect lives. There will only be lonely sad people every where. To those who are struggling with emotions that fall into the 'negative' category, I hope this post has inspired you to have courage to open up, speak for your heart and be free. Take heart, you are not alone.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Introducing Flint and Steel Borneo, everyone! Our online stationery shop is finally LIVE after months and months of planting and watering the seed of our dreams. My excitement level is literally busting through the roof! It all started with two girls bonding through art in their bedroom. Two extremely passionate, adventurous, and headstrong girls. Hence the name, Flint and Steel. There were many clashes and frictions, but that was what ignited the flame. Reckless, I often say. Plunging into new waters has never been my style. But I'm learning as I brave myself to conquer more territories, one step at a time.
Seeing how everything came together, I am humbled by the people in my life that have been journeying alongside me. Again and again. The way they so relentlessly give, inspire, and sincerely being happy for me is just one of the many things that fill my heart with overflowing thankfulness.
So this is for you - Our unfolding adventure. I'm excited that this is just a glimpse of so much more to come. As for now, the journey shall be the reward. I am going to savour every moment of the journey as they gracefully and beautifully unfold in their ordained time. The mistakes that will make us wiser, the disappointments that will only make us resilient, and the dead ends that will teach us surrender. And of course the many many amazing surprises that will make it all worth it.
Ok, now let's move over to, shall we? And give @flintandsteelborneo a follow on Instagram. Do check out our planner, 'The Unfolding' from our brand new Rosemaling collection. It is white with gold accents (just putting that out there) because I am basically obsessed with it!
I really hope you like the shop. Feel free to leave feedback and tell me what you would like to see on there in the future. xx
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